Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What is Anxiety Essay - 1019 Words

Anxiety is a feeling and emotion of excessive and prolonged worry, a sense of dread and generalized tension. Fear and anxiety are similar emotions but have important differences. While fear is based on a specific threat and is relatively short, anxiety has no definite basis and often prolonged. We all experience anxiety at some level. Students feel anxious when taking an exam. You may feel apprehensive about going out on a blind date. Many people are scared of delivering a speech. Many situations in everyday life evoke anxiety. This means that anxiety is a normal occurrence and is part of a human beings strategy to cope with life. Anxiety is useful because it makes us more alert to danger, increases our focus, and improves our†¦show more content†¦The individual loses control and feels overwhelmed with anxiety to such extent as losing his or her job and developing relationship problems. Cause of Anxiety Anxiety is caused by physical and psychological factors. Medical conditi ons such as heart problems, lung diseases (e.g. COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and thyroid conditions can cause anxiety. Medications like corticosteroids and drugs such as cocaine and amphetamine can also trigger anxiety. On the other hand, anxiety can be caused by stressful situations, traumatic experience and learned behavior (children can learn negative attitudes and maladaptive behaviors from their parents). For example, victims of a terrorist attack or a tornado disaster are so traumatized by the experience that they later develop symptoms of anxiety. Some people are more vulnerable compared to others in developing anxiety based on their genes, upbringing and life experiences. These people are more likely to develop anxiety disorders. Triggers expose their inherent predisposition to having anxiety. Types of Anxiety Disorders Experts have differentiated the kinds of mental disorders that arise from anxiety. 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